Sunday, January 29, 2012


I have had a serious case of the munchies today.  The problem is that no one is around the house today but me so I am my own "Snackin' Sheriff".  I do, however, seem to be one of those horrible cops from TV that is bought off by the bad guys.  Normally, I would be chewing on cucumber chips or something of the like that has crunch.  Unfortunately, there aren't any of those types of things in the house right now.  I remembered the 3 pack of gum that Santa put in my stocking.  SALVATION!!  Chewing the gum took my mind off of the snacks and got me through that.  I also recommend brushing your teeth when you feel like going back for a second helping of anything ever.  Nothing puts a stop to the need for more of those yummy dinner fixin's faster than that strong mint taste.

Moral of the story is to keep snacks on hand that will keep you out of trouble.  For me, keeping snacks on hand that will not change my sugar values is important.  So many "snack" items are carb based.  Raw veggies may not sound very appetizing but trust me the chewing will help you though it.  Think of it like this.  Smokers use those fake cigarettes so that their hands and mouth are still going through the motion without actually inhaling the horrible nicotine.  This really is the same thing.  Keep your chew factory busy in safe ways.

This brings us to new fun.  We're going to put into action "Safe Snackin' Sundays".  I will post a short list of safe snackin' recipes or ideas every Sunday.  I encourage and emplore you even to dish on some of your favorite dish ideas to keep me on track!

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