Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fasting Blood Sugar Values 1/23/2012 - 1/27/2012

As you can all see from the chart I have posted below my blood sugars values are very, very high.  According to the American Diabetes Association my blood sugar levels should be 70-130 before any meal.  So let's explain what is meant by "fasting blood sugar value".  This refers to not having had a meal in 8 hours or more.  Now you can just imagine that if these are the values I am gettng before eating anything for the day what they are like after a meal.  Working on these numbers are my number one priority.  I am continuousy adjusting my insulin dosages with help of my physician.  I am hoping that my future postings of these levels are well within the ADA guidelines.

For more informations on proper monitoring of your blood glucose levels go to

*Fasting Blood Sugar Value


I have had a serious case of the munchies today.  The problem is that no one is around the house today but me so I am my own "Snackin' Sheriff".  I do, however, seem to be one of those horrible cops from TV that is bought off by the bad guys.  Normally, I would be chewing on cucumber chips or something of the like that has crunch.  Unfortunately, there aren't any of those types of things in the house right now.  I remembered the 3 pack of gum that Santa put in my stocking.  SALVATION!!  Chewing the gum took my mind off of the snacks and got me through that.  I also recommend brushing your teeth when you feel like going back for a second helping of anything ever.  Nothing puts a stop to the need for more of those yummy dinner fixin's faster than that strong mint taste.

Moral of the story is to keep snacks on hand that will keep you out of trouble.  For me, keeping snacks on hand that will not change my sugar values is important.  So many "snack" items are carb based.  Raw veggies may not sound very appetizing but trust me the chewing will help you though it.  Think of it like this.  Smokers use those fake cigarettes so that their hands and mouth are still going through the motion without actually inhaling the horrible nicotine.  This really is the same thing.  Keep your chew factory busy in safe ways.

This brings us to new fun.  We're going to put into action "Safe Snackin' Sundays".  I will post a short list of safe snackin' recipes or ideas every Sunday.  I encourage and emplore you even to dish on some of your favorite dish ideas to keep me on track!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A bit of a stumble...

I do try to begin each day with the sunshine in mind.  By that I mean that I try to remember my childrens' smiling faces to keep me going.  Today has been a bit of a stumble.  In theory I would only post about the happy, positive ways I like to think I am trying to live by.  However, I understand that in order to help others understand how it is to live with this I must tell it all good and bad.

Last night was a more painful night than others.  The cold that has set in here in Michigan in normal for this time of year but this is the first year that I have had to live with my arthritis and neoropathy coming at me as a team.  The arthritis flaring this bad is a new thing for me.  I have been dealing with it being this painful for about 4 months I suppose.  I did always believe that when someone would say, "I know its going to rain. I can feel it in my trick knee." that it was pure tale.  Well, not so much.  The colder and more damp it is outside the worse it feels.  The swelling on the joints in my hands is very apparent today. 

Last night the pain was so bad that I decided maybe a hot shower would help with the pain.  The house was quiet and everyone was asleep.  The first moments in the shower were relaxing.  I moved to grab some shampoo and before I knew it there I was in the bottom of the tub.  My mind was spinning and I could feel the shooting pain in my left leg and hip.  This was just lovely.  I tried everything to get up on my own but no luck.  What humiliation this is.  I have to call for help.  This is just what my family needs to see.  Not only does it scare them terribly but the naked, fat chick in the bottom of the tub crying is not easily forgotten to say the least.  I called for Emily my 18 yr old daughter and she came running to my rescue.  (I really am going to have to up her allowance!)

The point of all of this is today I should be reinvented because of this.  I should be eating rice cakes and water determined not to let something like that happen again.  Instead, I awoke with the appetite of a wild monster looking for any snackin' that might make me forget about how useless it felt to not be able to help myself last night.  Before I ate everything in the house I sat down and I'm writing this to you.  Everyone, at any given time, can stumble but that doesn't mean we have to fall all the way down the hill.  Yes, last night was horrible.  Today is a BRAND NEW DAY!  I am going to fight this need to self destruct today.  There are lots of fruits and veggies in the house and they will be my munchies today.  Unfortunately, there may be lots more nights just like that one ahead of me.  I am just going to do my very best to keep them from happening.

Every day is a fresh start.  Most people wait for a new season or even a new year to make a fresh start on things.  I promise myself, my family and most certainly God, that I will make every day a BRAND NEW DAY.  Sounds pretty good, don't you agree?  What are you going to do with this BRAND NEW DAY?  I would just love to hear!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Crazy Idea #1

I have found that doing for others always seems to come first in life.  This means many things.  If your man is a mechanic, but you have bad breaks on your car, you might understand this.  Everyone seems to be better at helping others than they are at helping themselves.  How many times have you stopped dead in your tracks to give money to the Salvation Army bell ringer?  I always search for any change I have for them!  However, I never seem to be able to remember to put my spare change into that jar in my room marked "Our Future".  I have a point here I promise.

Here is my idea.  Losing weight for myself is not always easy.  My idea is that I will lose weight for charity.  I am going to dedicate myself to a cause.  I will donate $1 per pound that I lose to my favorite soup kitchen here in Wyandotte.  I am almost sure that I can get family and friends to pledge to donate for this as well.  They all want to see me healthy and who doesn't love a good cause?  I will start this very moment with this one.  I weighed myself an hour ago and I am at an alarming 261 lbs.  Here is a picture of my daughter Josie and myself.  We will use it as the "before".  I will try to find a more public outlet for this, but for right now I will just pledge this for myself. 

  I will post my weight again in a week's time so that everyone knows where I am with it. 
Wish me luck!!

Today is a Brand New Day!

How exciting! My very first post. I thought long and hard about what to say but I think that just digging in is the best option. I am a diabetic with MANY diabetic based problems.  I find that keeping my sugar values in check is harder than it sounds. Yes, I am an adult and I do understand that adult decisions come with adult ramifications. (Thank you dad.)  I do understand that a piece of cake can potentially kill me.  However, lots of things come in to play when you are going about living life.  I am truly a chunky chick by nature.  I am bored today...yup, I want a snack.  I am sad today...yup, I want a snack.  I am busy today...nope, I didn't pay attention to what I was eating.  All in all I am terrible about watching what I eat and when.  I am forever coming up with new and sometimes crazy ideas on how to manage my disease.  I decided that I needed a way to find everyday encouragement to be much better behaved.  I will be posting EVERYTHING!  I promise not to hide a thing.  A true example is that right this minute my sugar is 333 and my weight is 261.  Neither number is one that ANY girl would want to make public.  I am hoping that going forward I will have great things to share with you about progress, progress, progress.  I will share with you recipes that I have found that are helping me and exercises that I can do even with my limited abilities.